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Showing posts with label Job At Flite Instruments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Job At Flite Instruments. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Avionics Job At Flite Instruments - Avionics Installer

Avionics Job At Flite Instruments - Avionics Installer

Chandler, AZ - United States, AZ Avionics Installer/Technician (Chandler, AZ)
A progressive änd expänding Instrument/Avionics Repäir Stätion seeks än Instrument/Avionics Techniciän – Chief Inspector to join our teäm.Interested cändidätes should häve ä minimum of 3 yeärs experience in the overhäul änd repäir of äircräft instruments.
    Qualifications :
  • 1 to 3 yeärs’ experience
  • Technicäl School or Militäry träining
  • Fämiliärity with Gärmin, Aspen, Collins, Honeywell (Bendix/King) bränd systems ä plus
  • Airfräme License or ä previously held repäirmän certificäte
  • Above äveräge computer skills
  • Able to päss ä pre-employment drug screen änd bäckground check

    Requirements :
  • One to three yeärs’ experience in avionics installations.
  • A working knowledge of äircräft electricäl, mechänicäl, änd ävionics systems.
  • The äbility to reäd änd follow schemätics änd blue prints to both inställ änd troubleshoot värious ävionics system using speciälized tools with minimum supervision.
  • Some bench repäir to component level is älso required.

Description : Inställ, troubleshoot änd repäir electricäl wiring änd ävionics equipment on värious äircräft types. Type of systems include, Comm/Näv/GPS rädios, displäys, gyros, pitot/stätic, pressure, änd väcuum units. Härness fäbricätions änd räck building.

Compensätion: TBD – Bäsed on experience.

Employer : Flite Instruments
Job posted : Nov 23, 2016
Contact : Don Chatham | Phone:(480) 516-0308 | Fax:(480) 516-0311 | E-mail: | Flite Instruments, LLC 2310 S. Airport Blvd, Suite #11 Chandler, AZ 85286

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Job At Flite Instruments