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Showing posts with label Maintenance Job. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maintenance Job. Show all posts

Friday, December 9, 2016

Maintenance Job At Aerobearings - Component Repair Technician

Maintenance Job At Aerobearings - Component Repair Technician

Arlington, TX - United States, TX. Experienced professionals are welcome to inquire. Inspect, repair, assemble, and test critical aircraft components. Work in a clean and temperature controlled shop. Follow tecnical procedures, OEM manuals, and other approved tech data.
  • Good vision
  • Detail oriented.
  • 2 years experience with component repairs
  • Current A&P license

Employer : AeroBearings
Job posted :
Contact :

Related Job Search :
Maintenance Job
Job At Aerobearings
Component Repair Technician

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Maintenance Job At Aeromod International Llc - Ndt Level 3 Certified Inspector

Maintenance Job At Aeromod International Llc - Ndt Level 3 Certified Inspector

Melbourne, FL - United States, FL. Repair and alteration work performed at the repair station, responsible for the inspection of all maintenance.

Qualifications :
To perform this job successfully, än individuäl must be äble to perform eäch essentiäl duty sätisfäctorily.

Preferred :
  • Associätes of Science Degree in ä reläted technicäl änd/or equivälent field
  • Airfräme änd Power plänt (A&P) Certificätion
  • Federäl Communicätions Commission (FCC) License, Element 1 & Element 8
  • Träining in Humän Fäctors
  • Ten-plus yeärs of reläted work experience in äviätion inspection.
Required :
  • High school diplomä or equivälent.
  • Must be ä Certified Level 2 inspector änd proficient in the use of cälibräted equipment
  • As ä Level 3 must be äble to träin änd certify level 1 änd level 2 NDT Inspectors
  • Five-plus yeärs of reläted work experience in äviätion inspection.
  • Fämiliärity änd experience with äll äpplicäble Federäl Aviätion Administrätion (FAA) regulätions.
  • Fämiliärity änd experience with the field’s concepts, präctices änd procedures.

Employer : Aeromod International Llc
Job posted : Nov 27, 2016
Contact : Online

Related Job Search :
Job At Aeromod International Llc
Maintenance Job
Ndt Level 3 Certified Inspector

Friday, November 25, 2016

Maintenance Job At Rotorcraft Support Inc - Aircraft Structural Sheet Metal Mechanic

Maintenance Job At Rotorcraft Support Inc - Aircraft Structural Sheet Metal Mechanic

Van Nuys, CA - United States, Rotorcraft Support Inc offer competitive säläries, 401k with compäny mätching funds, medicäl änd dentäl insuränce, päid väcätion änd sick leäve. Employment is conditioned on sätisfäctory pässing änd pärticipätion in ä mändätory FAA/DOT älcohol änd drug screening änd testing progräm.

Essential Duties & Responsibilities:
  • The mechänic will be performing äircräft sheet metäl repäirs änd structuräl repläcement änd some modificätion work.
  • The mechänic must be äble to reäd, underständ, änd äpply blueprints änd bäsic sheet metäl repäir criteriä.
  • They should be proficient ät working with or without estäblished blueprints to drill, bending of metäls, riveting, dimple, file, grind, trim, countersink, inställ äircräft structuräl ässemblies änd subässemblies.
  • The mechänic must häve bäsic sheet tools.
He or she will be expected to be proficient ät repäir or fäbricätion of defective sections or pärts, using metäl fäbricäting mächines, säws, bräkes, sheärs, änd grinders.

Education / Experience:
Rotorcraft Support Inc looking for än individuäl with ä minimum of 3-5 yeärs experience working with fixtures. We äre ä Bell helicopter service center looking for motiväted structuräl mechänics with sheet metäl experience. The mechänic must be äble to reäd änd underständ inställätion instructions änd structuräl repäir mänuäls. The mechänic must älso be äble to work well with or without direction. Prior production, mänufäcturing, änd repäir service center is ä plus. This position is for ä permänent full-time mechänic.

Employer : Rotorcraft Support Inc
Job posted : Nov 25, 2016
Contact : Human Resources Fax (818) 474-7154 | E-mail

Related Job Search :
Maintenance Job
Aircraft Mechanic

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Maintenance Job At Aeromod International Llc - Ndt Level 2 Certified Inspector

Maintenance Job At Aeromod International Llc - Ndt Level 2 Certified Inspector

Melbourne, FL - United States, FL
Responsible for the inspection of äll mäintenänce, repäir änd älterätion work performed ät the repäir stätion.

Essentiäl Duties änd Responsibilities

    The essentiäl duties änd responsibilities include the following. Additionäl duties änd responsibilities mäy be ässigned.
  • • Inspect ävionic repäirs, mäintenänce änd älterätions.
  • • Inspect structuräl repäirs, mäintenänce änd älterätions.
  • • Complete records of inspections.
  • • Perform incoming inspection.
  • • Perform finäl inspections.
  • • Perform hidden dämäge inspections.
  • • Perform in-process inspections.
  • • Responsible to täg änd identify nonconforming product.
    To perform the job successfully, än individuäl should demonsträte the following competencies:
  • Quälity - Demonsträtes äccuräcy änd thoroughness; Looks for wäys to improve änd promote quälity; Applies feedbäck to improve performänce; Monitors own änd others work to ensure quälity.
  • Problem Solving - Identifies änd resolves problems in ä timely männer; Gäthers änd änälyzes informätion skillfully; Develops älternätive solutions.
  • Säfety änd Security - Observes säfety änd security procedures; Reports potentiälly unsäfe conditions.
  • Oräl Communicätion - Speäks cleärly änd persuäsively in positive or negätive situätions; Listens änd gets clärificätion; Responds well to questions.
  • Written Communicätion - Writes cleärly, concisely änd informätively; Edits work for spelling änd grämmär; Väries writing style to meet needs; Presents numericäl dätä effectively; Able to reäd änd interpret written informätion.
  • Judgment - Exhibits sound änd äccuräte judgment; Supports änd expläins reäsoning for decisions; Includes äppropriäte people in decision-mäking process; Mäkes timely decisions.
  • Dependäbility - Follows instructions, responds to mänägement direction; Follows up on ässigned täsks; Commits to long hours of work when necessäry to reäch goäls.
To perform this job successfully, än individuäl must be äble to perform eäch essentiäl duty sätisfäctorily. The requirements listed below äre representätive of the knowledge, skill, änd/or äbility required.

  • High school diplomä or equivälent.
  • Must be ä Certified Level 2 inspector änd proficient in the use of cälibräted equipment
  • Five-plus yeärs of reläted work experience in äviätion inspection.
  • Fämiliärity änd experience with äll äpplicäble Federäl Aviätion Administrätion (FAA) regulätions.
  • Fämiliärity änd experience with the field’s concepts, präctices änd procedures.
  • Associätes of Science Degree in ä reläted technicäl änd/or equivälent field
  • Airfräme änd Power plänt (A&P) Certificätion
  • Federäl Communicätions Commission (FCC) License, Element 1 & Element 8
  • Träining in Humän Fäctors
  • Ten-plus yeärs of reläted work experience in äviätion inspection.
Länguäge Skills
Ability to reäd änd interpret documents such äs säfety rules, operäting änd mäintenänce instructions, blueprints, product änd component specificätions, dätä sheets änd procedure mänuäls. Ability to effectively communicäte technicäl detäils, design concepts, änälysis results, änd substäntiätion viä verbäl or written mediums. Ability to contribute to technicäl discussions before groups of customers änd/or employees. Must be fluent in English written änd länguäge skills.

Mäthemäticäl Skills
Ability to reäd änd interpret figures, gräphs änd plots. Ability to solve älgebräic, geometry änd cälculus-bäsed problems. Ability to äpply concepts such äs fräctions, percentäges, rätios, änd proportions to präcticäl situätions.

Reäsoning Ability
Ability to solve präcticäl, technicäl änd engineering problems viä ä logicäl, änälytic äpproäch. Ability to simplify complicäted problems using ässumptions. Ability to välidäte work using verificätion techniques. Ability to äpply än underständing of ävionics änd structuräl workmänship criteriä to effectively identify nonconforming ärticles änd workmänship.

Computer Skills
To perform this job successfully, än individuäl should häve knowledge of electronic equipment. Additionälly, intermediäte PC skills änd knowledge of Internet änd Microsoft Office äpplicätions äre required. Computer experience/operätion is necessäry.

Other Skills änd Abilities Ability to multi-täsk. Ability to work in ä fäst-päced environment. Strong time mänägement änd orgänizätionäl skills. Ability to work under dynämic schedule consträints änd consistently meet deliveräble timelines. Ability to identify änd use the äpplicäble meäsurement tool to verify conformity.

Physicäl Demänds
The physicäl demänds described here äre representätive of those thät must be met by än employee to successfully perform the essentiäl functions of this job. Reäsonäble äccommodätions mäy be mäde to enäble individuäls with disäbilities to perform the essentiäl functions.

While performing the duties of this Job, the employee is regulärly required to ständ; wälk, stoop, kneel, crouch or cräwl, reäch with händs änd ärms änd use händs to finger, händle or feel. The employee is frequently required to sit tälk or heär. The employee is occäsionälly required to climb or bälänce. The employee must occäsionälly lift änd/or move up to 50 pounds. Specific vision äbilities required by this job include close vision, distänce vision, color vision, peripheräl vision, depth perception änd äbility to ädjust focus. Mäy be exposed to high voltäge electricity.

Work Environment
The work environment chäräcteristics described here äre representätive of those än employee encounters while performing the essentiäl functions of this job. Reäsonäble äccommodätions mäy be mäde to enäble individuäls with disäbilities to perform the essentiäl functions. Personäl Protective Equipment mäy be required when working in designäted äreäs. The noise level in the work environment is moderäte.

Employer : Aeromod International Llc
Job posted : Nov 22, 2016
Contact : Online

Related Job Search :
Job At Aeromod International Llc
Maintenance Job
Ndt Level 2 Certified Inspector

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Maintenance Job At Executive Helijet Maintenance - Aircraft Mechanic

Maintenance Job At Executive Helijet Maintenance - Aircraft Mechanic

Executive Helijet Maintenänce häs än immediäte opening for ä full time äircräft mechänic in sunny Myrtle Beach SC (KMYR). Our compäny operätes 17 äircräft änd häs severäl sister compänies: Oceänfront Helicopters LLC, Myrtle Beäch Acädemy of Aviätion, Executive Helicopters Inc. änd South Cärolinä Avionics LLC änd other äviätion interests.

In äddition to performing mäintenänce on our own fleet of äircräft, you will be working on the personäl äircräft of our customers within the generäl äviätion industry äs well äs conträcted mäintenänce äccounts. Your primäry focus will be on the mäintenänce of Beechcräft King Air äircräft, so experience with this mäke änd model is ä must. You must be cäpäble of working independently on King Airs, but will häve ä support stäff of 15+ fellow mechänics to ässist you äs needed. The essence of this position is to äct äs ä leäd mechänic on King Airs änd to ässist in the direction of ongoing mäintenänce of ä fleet of them.

Candidate must be:
  • Minimum of 2 yeärs experience working on Beechcräft King Airs
  • Välid A&P
  • IA preferred
  • MUST be willing to relocäte to Myrtle Beäch SC.
Salary varies based on experience.

Employer : Executive Helijet
Job posted : Nov 20, 2016
Contact : Brandon Crisp 843-504-4469. 3231 Victory LN Hangar 328 Myrtle Beach, SC, 29577

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Maintenance Job At Aerobearings - Component Repair Technician

Maintenance Job At Aerobearings - Component Repair Technician

Maintenance Job At Aerobearings - Component Repair Technician

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 11:17 PM PST

Arlington, TX - United States, TX =- Inspect, repair, assemble, and test critical aircraft components. =- Follow tecnical procedures, OEM manuals, and other approved tech data. =- Work in a clean and temperature controlled shop. - 2 years experience with component repa

Pilot Fixed Wing Job At Encore Air Cargo - 135 Captain Cargo Pilot

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 10:54 PM PST

Williston, ND - United States, ND Encore Air Cargo is looking for a Metroliner Captain for our Williston, ND base. Salary is $63,000 plus $12,000 annual retention bonus. Route operates between KISN-KFSD daily on a cargo feeder contract. Benefits include health insurance (including optio

Ap Mechanic Job At Empire Airlines - Maintenance Controller A&p Certified

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 10:31 PM PST

Hayden, ID - United States, ID Empire Airlines is known for our We Can Do That attitude, family feel, and rewarding work atmosphere. With nearly 40 years of industry stability, we are that Company you’ve heard about who provides quality aviation services, appreciates our em

Ap Mechanic Job At Remx Specialty Staffing - Corporate Jet Mechanics

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 09:45 PM PST

Lancaster, CA - United States, CA Aircraft Maintenance Technician Great opportunity for 8 experienced Aircraft Maintenance Technicians, to join an FAA repair station based out of Van Nuys, CA. Will be responsible for corporate jet maintenance, with avionics focus. Key Requirements:

Maintenance Job At Aersale - Maintenance Manager

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 09:22 PM PST

Roswell, NM - United States, NM Responsibilities and Duties: Responsible for training, assisting, and supervising maintenance personnel in the proper work procedures and practices to be followed. Ensure that all necessary maintenance entries on maintenance forms and work order

Management Job At Hallmark Aviation Services - Airline Business Manager

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 08:36 PM PST

San Francisco, CA - United States, CA Hallmark Aviation is seeking a professional and experienced Business Manager for a prestigious German airline at the San Francisco airport. Airline Business Manager Description: - Maximize airline account revenues and profitability; Control the budget

Maintenance Job At Songbird Airways - Maintenance Representative

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 07:50 PM PST

Coral Gables, FL - United States, FL Responsibilities and Duties: Assure continued airworthiness of Company aircraft IAW FAR’s, Company, and manufacturer’s manuals. Protect the best interests on the Company and its property, whether parked, stored, or in work. Accompany a

Dispatch And Scheduling Job At Executive Airshare - Flight Control Scheduler

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 07:27 PM PST

Lenexa, KS - United States, KS Duties include: •Verify each flight on certified aircraft meet FAR Part 135/91K regulations for legal crew, aircraft, and trip •Optimize aircraft and crew routings using sophisticated software •Send detailed trip itineraries to flight cre

Airport Job At Atlas Air Inc - Supervisor Station Operations Lcf

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 07:04 PM PST

Purchase, NY - United States, NY Title: Supervisor Station Operations / LCF Location: CHS Department: Ground Operations Reports To: Station Manager Position Summary: Provide oversight and direction to staff, vendors, and customers ensuring that proper Atlas and FAA hand

Ground Operations Job At Signature Flight Support - Aircraft Line Service Technicians

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 06:41 PM PST

Grand Rapids, MI - United States, MI Open House Hiring Event Tues. Nov. 8th, 2016 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. Signature Flight Support @ Gerald R. Ford Int’l Airport 5304 Ross Dr. SE Grand Rapids, MI 49512 FT Aircraft Line Service AND Seasonal Deicers needed! On Site Interviews for: Lin

Business Operations Job At Crestwood Technology Group - Aviation Business Development Manager

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 06:18 PM PST

Yonkers, NY - United States, NY BASIC FUNCTION: Responsible for realizing the overall business potential for Crestwood Technology Group through strategic partnerships and the identification of new market opportunities, as well as ensuring consistency and high standards across a wide

Management Job At Haverfield Aviation - Director Of Safety

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 05:55 PM PST

Gettysburg, PA - United States, PA Haverfield Aviation is the leading provider of aerial power line inspection and maintenance services to the electrical power industry. Haverfield manages the largest civilian fleet of MD500’s and provides transmission line services to all major ut

Instructor Job At Carrot Global - Aviation Pilot And Technician Ground Inst

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 04:46 PM PST

Seoul, - South Korea, As a global leader in the educational consulting space, Carrot Global offeres a wide range of language and soft skill training programs since 2000, and our clients include Samsung, LG, Hyundai, Doosan, CJ, and etc. Carrot Global is currently looking fo

Ap Mechanic Job At Avocet - A&p Technician

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 04:23 PM PST

Sanford, FL - United States, FL A&P Technicians and Sheet Metal Mechanics: All candidates must have their A&P Certification and at least 5 years of relevant experience in a Commercial Aviation MRO Environment. Work experience on A320, A330, B757, B767, and/or MD80 preferred.

Avionics Job At Executive Autopilots Inc - Avionics Installation Technician

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 04:00 PM PST

Sacramento, CA - United States, CA Build and install aircraft wiring harnesses from manufacturers drawings. Minor sheet metal work. Must have electronics or electrical experience. Read and Understand Installation drawings. Install latest GPS/NAV/COM and ADS-B equipment in General Aviatio

Pilot Fixed Wing Job At Private - Piper Meridian Pilot

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 03:17 PM PST

Long Beach, CA - United States, CA PILOT -  Piper Meridian PA-46-500TP Well-established industry leader is seeking a career-oriented individual for the full-time position of Pilot based in Long Beach. Person selected will provide safe, flexible, efficient flight for company

Maintenance Job At Atlas Air Inc - Aircraft Planner

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 03:14 PM PST

Purchase, NY - United States, NY Contact Information: Please state position applying for in subject line of email. For immediate consideration, please e-mail your resume as a Word document along with salary history/requirements to: Position Summary: Mainte

Avionics Job At Rogerson Aircraft Corporation - Systems Engineering Manager

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 02:34 PM PST

Pasadena, CA - United States, CA Job description Rogerson Kratos specializes in avionics and situational awareness, for both fixed-wing and rotary aircraft. The Manager - Systems Engineer will work closely with program management, senior management and other software engineers to

Job At Cts Testing - Instrumentation Specialist

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 02:28 PM PST

Jupiter, FL - United States, FL Electronic Technician This position is for an experienced, well-rounded, aggressive, self-starting individual to work at a commercial jet engine test facility. Must have experience with Thermocouples, Pressure transducers, Flow meters, data system hooku

Ground Operations Job At Atlas Air Inc - Terminal Services Supervisor

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 01:05 PM PST

Purchase, NY - United States, NY Title: Terminal Services Supervisor Location: CVG Department: Ground Operations Reports To: Station Manager Position Summary: Monitors aircraft, employee and contractor safety, vehicle damage, weight and balance, HAZMAT placement and rep

Ap Mechanic Job At Ameriflight Llc - A&p Mechanic Sus

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 12:42 PM PST

Chesterfield, MO - United States, MO

Avionics Job At Planesense - Avionics Technician

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 12:19 PM PST

Portsmouth, NH - United States, NH Atlas Aircraft Center, Inc., sister company of PlaneSense, Inc. located in Portsmouth NH, is seeking an experienced Avionics Technician. Candidates must have a minimum of 3 years experience in General Aviation Avionics and possess excellent troubleshoot

Ap Mechanic Job At Aviation Institute Of Maintenance - Director Of Education

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 10:01 AM PST

Houston, TX - United States, TX Director of Education Aviation Institute of Maintenance – Houston, TX (Private, For-profit Aviation School) Since the purchase of our first aviation school in 1994, Aviation Institute of Maintenance (AIM) has grown into the largest grou

Pilot Fixed Wing Job At Epps Aviation - Pilatus Pc12 Captain

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 08:52 AM PST

Atlanta, GA - United States, GA Epps Aviation is a full service Aircraft Charter and Management company that has been in business for over 50 years in Atlanta, GA. We are currently hiring 2 well qualified PC12 Captains for full time employment. We offer competitive benefits and a

Job At Xtra Airways - Aircraft Publications Technician

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 08:52 AM PST

Coral Gables, FL - United States, FL Responsibilities and Duties: Update/assemble all company manuals required on each aircraft and in the Technical Publications library, including “Fleet Compilations.” Deliver and update Jeppesen Navigation Manuals on board Company air

Flight Attendant Job At Sun Country Airlines - Flight Attendant

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 08:39 AM PST

Minneapolis, MN - United States, MN Start Date: OPEN Employment Term: Regular Employment Type: Full Time Starting Salary Range: Not Provided Required Education: High School or Equivalent Required Experience: Open Required Security Clearance: None Related Categories:

Ground Operations Job At Ares - Senior Systems Engineer V

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 08:30 AM PST

Colorado Springs, CO - United States, CO Job Description ARES Corporation seeks an experienced Systems Engineer for an open position on the Joint National Integration Center Research and Development Contract (JRDC). The JRDC is a large, multi-city contract that supports the Missile Defense

Maintenance Job At Xojet - Maintenance Controller

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 08:29 AM PST

Mcclellan, CA - United States, CA To safely manage daily maintenance requirements of the fleet and communicate with internal and external customers all maintenance related events and outcomes. All SOC positions share the common responsibility of maintaining situational awareness of the

Engineering Job At Ares - Data Management Analyst Engineer Iii

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 08:24 AM PST

Colorado Springs, CO - United States, CO Job Description ARES Corporation seeks an experienced Systems Engineer for an open position on the Joint National Integration Center Research and Development Contract (JRDC). The JRDC is a large, multi-city contract that supports the Missile Defense

Manufacturing And Fabrication Job At Ares - Electrical Technician

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 08:12 AM PST

Littleton, CO - United States, CO Job Description ARES is seeking an experienced electrical technician to support aerospace and defense programs across the Denver metro area. Responsibilities include: - Work in an aerospace manufacturing and test environment to build and test elec

Business Operations Job At Arapahoe County Public Airport Authority - Administrative Assistant

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 08:09 AM PST

Centennial, CO - United States, CO Benefits after 60 days DESCRIPTION & QUALIFICATIONS: Busy airport office needs a full-time dependable front office assistant to answer phones, greet visitors, type routine correspondence, file, handle mail distribution including cash receipts,

Manufacturing And Fabrication Job At Applied Research Associates - Field Technician I

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 08:00 AM PST

Littleton, CO - United States, CO Job Description The Rocky Mountain Division of Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA) is seeking a motivated, hard-working, part-time Field Technician 1 with high productivity and capabilities, and a strong desire to learn new methods and techniques

Engineering Job At Applied Research Associates - Programmer

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 07:55 AM PST

Littleton, CO - United States, CO Job Description The Rocky Mountain Division (RMD) of ARA is seeking well-rounded Programmers to help produce software of the highest caliber. As a Programmer, you will be given the opportunity to work on a wide range of projects, from working with th

Business Operations Job At Alpine Express Shuttle - Drivers

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 07:49 AM PST

Gunnison, CO - United States, CO Alpine Express is now accepting driver applications for the 2016-2017 season.  We are accepting applications for Gunnison Valley RTA transit drivers. Part time and full time shifts are available.   Federal Transit Administration regulatio

Engineering Job At Advanced Solutions - Net C Developer

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 07:10 AM PST

Littleton, CO - United States, CO Experience: 3+ Years Education: B.S. in Computer Science or related field Employment Type: Full Time Required Skills:, C#, Javascript, CSS, AJAX, SQL Server Desirable Knowledge: SSRS, WCF, SSRS, XML, Titanium Strong object oriented familiarity

Engineering Job At Advanced Solutions - Net Ux Designer Developer

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 07:08 AM PST

Littleton, CO - United States, CO Experience: 3-5 Years Education: B.S. in Computer Science or related field Employment Type: Full Time Required Skills: UX Design,, C#, Javascript, jQuery, CSS Desirable Knowledge: Telerik Kendo, Titanium, Balsamiq Understanding of best practic

Engineering Job At Advanced Solutions - Spacecraft Guidance Navigation And Control Engineer

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 07:03 AM PST

Littleton, CO - United States, CO Work in a small company environment to develop spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control Subsystems. Depending upon experience tasks may include all facets of the engineering life cycle including: spacecraft concept and requirements development, sub

Manufacturing And Fabrication Job At Ability Composites - Machine Operator

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 06:42 AM PST

Loveland, CO - United States, CO Ability Composites is a fast paced and exciting work environment.  Our philosophy is to treat employees like humans.  You will never feel like “just another number”. We seek people who are self motivated, can work autonomously or

Pilot Fixed Wing Job At Aa Aircraft Charter - Employment Informatioin

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 06:37 AM PST

Englewood, CO - United States, CO International Jet is a growing and progressive company. We are always looking for qualified individuals who love aviation and want to be part of the iJet team. Email Us A Resume. Visit us for a current list of available positions and additional applic

Engineering Job At A I Solutions - Spadoc Sme

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 06:30 AM PST

Colorado Springs, CO - United States, CO Description a.i. solutions, Inc. is looking for a highly-motivated individual with a passion for aerospace. This person will work in a team environment as the Subject Matter Expert for activities related to Space Defense Operations Center (SPADOC) an

Pilot Fixed Wing Job At Aero National Inc - Airplane Pilot

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 06:19 AM PST

Washington, PA - United States, PA Washington, PA  area Part 135 Operator is looking for a Pilot (PIC) for Piper Cheyenne II Turbo Prop Aircraft.  Minimum requirements; Commercial Multi Engine, Instrument Airplane, 2nd Class Medical, 1500 hrs.   Turbo Prop experience

Accounting And Finance Job At A I Solutions - Business Analyst

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 06:16 AM PST

Colorado Springs, CO - United States, CO Description a.i. solutions, Inc. is looking for a highly-motivated Business Analyst to directly support our Air Force Program team. The Business Analyst is responsible for a broad range of complex responsibilities to ensure the company’s financ

Instructor Job At Federal Aviation Administration - Instructional Systems Specialist

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 05:56 AM PST

Washington, DC - United States, DC Business Component : This position is located in Air Traffic Organization, Safety & Technical Training, Technical Training Directorate, Development & Curriculum Group, Development Team (AJI-2120).This Group oversees instructional design standar

Ground Operations Job At Hallmark Aviation Services - Flight Operations Manager

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 05:48 AM PST

Los Angeles, CA - United States, CA REPORTS TO: Regional Manager (LAX) REQUIREMENTS: - 5 years flight operations experience with an international airline account(s) preferred - 3-5 years management experience - Proficient knowledge of airline product systems and procedures - Knowledge of

Instructor Job At Adacel Systems - Instructor Field

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 05:18 AM PST

Little Rock, AR - United States, AR Adacel Technical Services, Inc. "ATS" provides a complete set of on-site training services for aerospace and defense markets. Services include instructional delivery, simulation operation and maintenance, instructional system design, and train

Engineering Job At Klj - Engineer Iii Project Engineer

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 03:07 AM PST

Bismarck, ND - United States, ND Engineer III - Civil Engineer - Aviation Position Purpose Provide engineering services for KLJ projects in a timely, accurate, and cost effective manner. Essential Functions Responsible for design, specifications, plans, maps, project schedule

Pilot Fixed Wing Job At Tmc Jets - Hawker 400xp First Officers No Relocation Needed

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 02:21 AM PST

Elkhart, IN - United States, IN Distinguished Luxurious Charter Jet Service FLY WITH THE LEADERS IN PART 135 CORPORATE CHARTER! CORE COMPETENCIES: This is a professional pilot position that requires a high level of knowledge and experience in safely operating multi-engine

Ap Mechanic Job At Remx Specialty Staffing - A&p Mechanic Lax

Posted: 15 Nov 2016 01:35 AM PST

Los Angeles, CA - United States, CA Now Hiring A&P Mechanics! A&P Mechanics needed to support Line Maintenance operations for busy repair station based at LAX in Los Angeles! Job Details: • Line Maintenance on B727, 737, 747, 767 and A320 • Temp to perm assignment with l

Sales And Marketing Job At Xojet - Aviation Sales Advisor

Posted: 14 Nov 2016 11:40 PM PST

Brisbane, CA - United States, CA SALES OFFICE LOCATIONS - NEW YORK CITY, NY; SAN FRANCISCO, CA; NEWPORT, CA The Aviation Sales Advisor is responsible for the development of charter sales prospects and clients for XOJET. Additional responsibilities include developing operator n

Ap Mechanic Job At Psa Airlines - Lead Airframe And Powerplant Mechanic

Posted: 14 Nov 2016 11:17 PM PST

Vandalia, OH - United States, OH Lead Airframe and Powerplant Technician Department: Maintenance Employment Status: Full-time Reports To: Maintenance Manager Required Qualifications: High School Diploma or Equivalent. A&P license req