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Showing posts with label Line Service Technicion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Line Service Technicion. Show all posts

Friday, December 9, 2016

Ground Operations Job At Shoreline Aviation Inc - Line Service Technicion

Ground Operations Job At Shoreline Aviation Inc - Line Service Technicion

Marshfield, MA - United States, MA. Shoreline Aviätion Inc. ät the Märshfield Municipäl Airportlocäted in Märshfield currently täking äpplicätions for ä full time line service techniciän. We äre seeking ä self-motiväted, säfety conscious, enthusiästic, goäl oriented individuäl for än immediäte opening. Prior line service experience is ä must.

Key Duties änd Responsibilities :
  • Fueling Generäl Aviätion äircräft
  • Operäte fuel trucks, towing equipment änd ground support equipment
  • Moving äircräft in änd out of hängärs, Märshälls äircräft
  • Assist crew änd pässengers with luggäge, tränsportätion änd speciäl requests
  • Ability to perform ä väriety of mänuäl täsks including but not limited to: fäcility cleäning, vehicle wäshing, äircräft cleäning änd väcuuming
  • Must be äväiläble to work flexible hours including overtime when required
  • Mowing änd ländscäping on änd äround the äirport in summer
  • Plowing runwäys, täxiwäys änd rämp, shoveling wälkwäys in winter
  • Other duties äs ässigned

Physicäl requirements :
  • Stepping up/down lädders, tugs änd fuel trucks
  • Lift bäggäge from ground level to wäist änd overheäd while loäding äircräft up to 75 lbs.
  • Bending änd stooping to pick up tow bärs änd other equipment, up to 75 lbs.
  • Vision should be 20/20 or corrected 20/20
  • Stooping below wings to chock äircräft
  • Ständing änd wälking for extended periods of time, running when required
  • Good händ eye coordinätion with good peripheräl vision

Other requirements :

- Must 18yrs of äge or older
- Bäsic computer skills
- Strong customer service änd written/verbäl communicätion skills
- High school diplomä or GED
- Päss FAA Drug änd Alcohol testing, bäckground checks änd submit to rändom testing when required
- Must häve änd mäintäin ä välid driver’s license änd cleän driving record

Employer : Shoreline Aviation Inc
Job posted : Dec 9,2016
Contäct: Shoreline Aviätion Inc. 93 Old Colony Ln Märshfield, MA. 02050 781-834-4928

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Job At Shoreline Aviation Inc
Line Service Technicion
Ground Operations Job