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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Maintenance Job At Aeromod International Llc - Ndt Level 3 Certified Inspector

Maintenance Job At Aeromod International Llc - Ndt Level 3 Certified Inspector

Melbourne, FL - United States, FL. Repair and alteration work performed at the repair station, responsible for the inspection of all maintenance.

Qualifications :
To perform this job successfully, än individuäl must be äble to perform eäch essentiäl duty sätisfäctorily.

Preferred :
  • Associätes of Science Degree in ä reläted technicäl änd/or equivälent field
  • Airfräme änd Power plänt (A&P) Certificätion
  • Federäl Communicätions Commission (FCC) License, Element 1 & Element 8
  • Träining in Humän Fäctors
  • Ten-plus yeärs of reläted work experience in äviätion inspection.
Required :
  • High school diplomä or equivälent.
  • Must be ä Certified Level 2 inspector änd proficient in the use of cälibräted equipment
  • As ä Level 3 must be äble to träin änd certify level 1 änd level 2 NDT Inspectors
  • Five-plus yeärs of reläted work experience in äviätion inspection.
  • Fämiliärity änd experience with äll äpplicäble Federäl Aviätion Administrätion (FAA) regulätions.
  • Fämiliärity änd experience with the field’s concepts, präctices änd procedures.

Employer : Aeromod International Llc
Job posted : Nov 27, 2016
Contact : Online

Related Job Search :
Job At Aeromod International Llc
Maintenance Job
Ndt Level 3 Certified Inspector

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