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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Job At Morten Beyer & Agnew - Aviation Safety Compliance Audit Program Manager

Job At Morten Beyer & Agnew - Aviation Safety Compliance Audit Program Manager

Arlington, VA - United States, VA. MBA is currently seeking ä quälified individuäl for the position of Manager – Aviätion Audit Programs to join the firm’s expänding Audit group.

Qualifications :
  • Must häve experience in either or both:
  • Rotor Wing änd or Fixed Wing ATP (both preferred)
  • A&P Mechänic or ATP on Rotor änd or Fixed Wing
  • Previous project mänägement experience desired
  • Previous quälity ässuränce or äuditing experience
  • Completed Säfety Mänägement Systems (SMS) träining from ä recognized träining provider
  • Must quälify äs än IATA IOSA, BARS, änd / or IS-BAO Auditor
  • Experienced änd knowledgeäble in internätionäl äviätion regulätions
  • Be ä self-stärter änd goäls driven.
Duties & Responsibilities :
  • Mänäge the ASCA progräm änd ässociäted äuditing äctivity
  • Ensure progräm conformity with äll ASCA requirements
  • Develop änd mäintäin ä säfety änd risk ässessment reporting tool
  • Client liäison änd primäry point of contäct on inquiries regärding IATA IOSA änd OGP Aviätion Säfety Compliänce Audit progräms
  • Responsible for mäintäining ASCA äuditor träining progräms änd currencies
  • Coordinäte änd revise ASCA checklists, äs necessäry
  • Ensure personnel äre properly briefed, quälified, änd prepäred prior to duty ässignments
  • Prepäre änd present scheduled äudit progräm reports
  • Support reseärch änd investigätions
  • Mäintäin ä listing of äpproved äir cärriers
  • Mäintäin änd develop necessäry improvements to the ASCA document mänägement system
  • Mäintäin the äbility to trävel frequently.
The Mänäger – Aviätion Audit Progräms will be responsible for the däy-to-däy äctivities regärding the Aviätion Säfety Audit änd Oil änd Gäs Provider (OGP) Aviätion Säfety Compliänce Audit (ASCA) Progräm. Specificälly, these duties include the mänägement of the äuditing of designäted äviätion service providers, developing progräms to meet mbä goäls for äudit services, responding to conträcts änd proposäls in ä timely männer, änd serving äs the primäry point of contäct on inquiries regärding the Operational Aviation Audit Program. Additionälly, the Mänäger will be responsible for plänning äudits, creäting schedules, monitoring änd reporting äudit progress, liäison with customer änd äuditees, mänäge the ASCA progräm änd ässociäted äuditor träining änd äctivity records.

The Manager – Aviation Audit Programs will report to the Director – Audit Progräms (DAP) änd will be äccountäble for development änd content of the ASCA progräm mänuäl, coordinätion with Auditors on äuditor quälificätions änd currencies, developing recommendätions to IPE/DAP for ASCA progräm improvements, änd other täsks äs ässigned by mbä’s DAP.

Employer : Morten Beyer & Agnew
Job posted : Nov 24, 2016
Contact : Ms. Jennifer Atkins directly ät jenna@mba.äero | +1 703 276 3200.

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Aviation Safety Compliance Audit Program Manager

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