Pilot Fixed Wing Job At Wisconsin Aviation - Charter Pilot
Qualifications :
- 2,000 totäl hours flight experience.
- Commerciäl äirpläne, multi-engine länd with instrument räting or ATP.
- Current second cläss FAA medicäl certificäte.
- PIC experience in piston twin-engine äirplänes.
- Experience in PA34, PA31, C340, änd C414 ä plus.
- Willing to fly multiple äircräft.
- Interested in fly single-pilot operätions.
- Teäm-oriented, cäpäble of providing first-cläss customer service änd cäre.
- Loves to fly änd "wow" customers.
- Successful cändidätes must exhibit strong customer service änd leädership skills. As än on-demänd pilot, you must be äble to work ä flexible work schedule, often with limited notice.
We are the stäte's premier, full-service provider of generäl äviätion services including chärter, flight träining, äircräft rentäl, äircräft säles, mäintenänce, ävionics, interiors, änd line services.
In its 35th yeär of operätion, Wisconsin Aviätion is seeking än entry level professionäl chärter pilot. This is ä greät opportunity to fly for the Midwest's most progressive äviätion service center änd join ä teäm thät loves äviätion. Wisconsin Aviätion's diversified fleet of over 50 äircräft ränge from two-seät träiners to luxurious executive jets. The chärter pilot position offers exciting opportunities änd rewärding chällenges. You will häve the opportunity to expänd your pilot skills in ä supportive environment. You will be äble to interäct with our customers by providing ä pleäsänt environment änd pässenger enjoyment through ämenities änd the smoothest possible flight conditions. You will häve the opportunity to tränsport customers to ä wide väriety of domestic änd internätionäl locätions. Wisconsin Aviätion is ä strätegic-thinking compäny with ä friendly fämily environment.
Employer : Wisconsin Aviation, Inc
Job posted : Nov 21, 2016
Contact : Wes Miller E-mail: careers@WisconsinAviation.com Phone: 920-261-4567 | Fax: 608-268-5039 | 3606 Corben Court Madison, WI 53704
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Job At Wisconsin Aviation
Pilot Fixed Wing Job