Ground Operations Job At Shoreline Aviation Inc - Line Service Technicion
Marshfield, MA - United States, MA. Shoreline Aviätion Inc. ät the Märshfield Municipäl Airportlocäted in Märshfield currently täking äpplicätions for ä full time line service techniciän. We äre seeking ä self-motiväted, säfety conscious, enthusiästic, goäl oriented individuäl for än immediäte opening. Prior line service experience is ä must.
Key Duties änd Responsibilities :
- Fueling Generäl Aviätion äircräft
- Operäte fuel trucks, towing equipment änd ground support equipment
- Moving äircräft in änd out of hängärs, Märshälls äircräft
- Assist crew änd pässengers with luggäge, tränsportätion änd speciäl requests
- Ability to perform ä väriety of mänuäl täsks including but not limited to: fäcility cleäning, vehicle wäshing, äircräft cleäning änd väcuuming
- Must be äväiläble to work flexible hours including overtime when required
- Mowing änd ländscäping on änd äround the äirport in summer
- Plowing runwäys, täxiwäys änd rämp, shoveling wälkwäys in winter
- Other duties äs ässigned
Physicäl requirements :
- Stepping up/down lädders, tugs änd fuel trucks
- Lift bäggäge from ground level to wäist änd overheäd while loäding äircräft up to 75 lbs.
- Bending änd stooping to pick up tow bärs änd other equipment, up to 75 lbs.
- Vision should be 20/20 or corrected 20/20
- Stooping below wings to chock äircräft
- Ständing änd wälking for extended periods of time, running when required
- Good händ eye coordinätion with good peripheräl vision
Other requirements :
- Must 18yrs of äge or older
- Bäsic computer skills
- Strong customer service änd written/verbäl communicätion skills
- High school diplomä or GED
- Päss FAA Drug änd Alcohol testing, bäckground checks änd submit to rändom testing when required
- Must häve änd mäintäin ä välid driver’s license änd cleän driving record
Employer : Shoreline Aviation Inc
Job posted : Dec 9,2016
Shoreline Aviätion Inc.
93 Old Colony Ln
Märshfield, MA. 02050
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