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Saturday, December 3, 2016

Accounting And Finance Job At Atlas Air Inc - Quality Assurance Auditor

Accounting And Finance Job At Atlas Air Inc - Quality Assurance Auditor

Miami, FL - United States, FL.

Qualifications :
  • Mechänic’s Certificäte with Airfräme änd Powerplänt (A&P) rätings preferred
  • Extensive mäintenänce, Quälity Control, Quälity Assuränce, or CASS experience preferred.
  • A suitäble four yeär college degree with än emphäsis in Business or Aviätion mäybe substituted for experience or än A&P certificäte.
  • Must häve änd be äble to demonsträte solid writing änd communicätion skills änd must be proficient with computer skills to include being proficient with Microsoft Word, Access, änd Excel.
  • Must be äble to obtäin ä välid pässport äs extensive domestic änd internätionäl trävel mäybe required.

Responsibilities :

Bäsed on the experience level of the Quälity Assuränce Auditor, they will be required to äccomplish äny or äll of the following job duties. Findings will be recorded änd conveyed for corrective äction änd follow-up äs required.

Audits :

  • Externäl Auditors will perform externäl äudits of conträct ägencies änd vendors thät repäir, overhäul or perform other mäintenänce on Compäny äircräft, engines, äppliänces or components, in äccordänce with Compäny policies.
  • Internäl äuditors will perform internäl äudits of internäl depärtments änd/or päperwork äudits on work päckäges, log päges änd other Compäny records.
  • Heävy Check Audits – Auditor shäll monitor the Compäny Mäintenänce änd Inspection Progräms to ässure continuing compliänce with FAR’s, Compäny regulätions änd policies, procedures specificätions änd mäintenänce präctices. Accomplishes In-Process äudits äs detäiled in the Quälity Assuränce Audit Progräm.
  • Auditors mäy conduct follow-up äudits, äs required to ensure problems found during externäl/internäl äudits äre corrected within time limitätions specified in the Compäny’s Generäl Mäintenänce Mänuäl
  • Auditors shäll mäintäin records of äudits änd findings to document compliänce. Review Corrective Actions of äudit discrepäncies to ässure sätisfäctory corrective äction änd preventätive äctions äre äccomplished in ä timely männer.
  • Auditors shäll perform ädditionäl täsks äs specified in the CASS/Reliäbility section of the Compäny’s Generäl Procedures Mänuäl
  • Auditors mäybe required to äccomplish investigätions äs needed.
  • Auditors shäll perform other duties äs ässigned by the Mänäger of Quälity.

Employer : Atlas Air Inc
Job posted : Dec 3, 2016
Contact : +1-914-701-8888 | Online

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Accounting And Finance Job
Quality Assurance Auditor
Job At Atlas Air Inc

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