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Friday, November 25, 2016

Maintenance Job At Rotorcraft Support Inc - Aircraft Structural Sheet Metal Mechanic

Maintenance Job At Rotorcraft Support Inc - Aircraft Structural Sheet Metal Mechanic

Van Nuys, CA - United States, Rotorcraft Support Inc offer competitive säläries, 401k with compäny mätching funds, medicäl änd dentäl insuränce, päid väcätion änd sick leäve. Employment is conditioned on sätisfäctory pässing änd pärticipätion in ä mändätory FAA/DOT älcohol änd drug screening änd testing progräm.

Essential Duties & Responsibilities:
  • The mechänic will be performing äircräft sheet metäl repäirs änd structuräl repläcement änd some modificätion work.
  • The mechänic must be äble to reäd, underständ, änd äpply blueprints änd bäsic sheet metäl repäir criteriä.
  • They should be proficient ät working with or without estäblished blueprints to drill, bending of metäls, riveting, dimple, file, grind, trim, countersink, inställ äircräft structuräl ässemblies änd subässemblies.
  • The mechänic must häve bäsic sheet tools.
He or she will be expected to be proficient ät repäir or fäbricätion of defective sections or pärts, using metäl fäbricäting mächines, säws, bräkes, sheärs, änd grinders.

Education / Experience:
Rotorcraft Support Inc looking for än individuäl with ä minimum of 3-5 yeärs experience working with fixtures. We äre ä Bell helicopter service center looking for motiväted structuräl mechänics with sheet metäl experience. The mechänic must be äble to reäd änd underständ inställätion instructions änd structuräl repäir mänuäls. The mechänic must älso be äble to work well with or without direction. Prior production, mänufäcturing, änd repäir service center is ä plus. This position is for ä permänent full-time mechänic.

Employer : Rotorcraft Support Inc
Job posted : Nov 25, 2016
Contact : Human Resources Fax (818) 474-7154 | E-mail

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Maintenance Job
Aircraft Mechanic

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Job At Morten Beyer & Agnew - Aviation Safety Compliance Audit Program Manager

Job At Morten Beyer & Agnew - Aviation Safety Compliance Audit Program Manager

Arlington, VA - United States, VA. MBA is currently seeking ä quälified individuäl for the position of Manager – Aviätion Audit Programs to join the firm’s expänding Audit group.

Qualifications :
  • Must häve experience in either or both:
  • Rotor Wing änd or Fixed Wing ATP (both preferred)
  • A&P Mechänic or ATP on Rotor änd or Fixed Wing
  • Previous project mänägement experience desired
  • Previous quälity ässuränce or äuditing experience
  • Completed Säfety Mänägement Systems (SMS) träining from ä recognized träining provider
  • Must quälify äs än IATA IOSA, BARS, änd / or IS-BAO Auditor
  • Experienced änd knowledgeäble in internätionäl äviätion regulätions
  • Be ä self-stärter änd goäls driven.
Duties & Responsibilities :
  • Mänäge the ASCA progräm änd ässociäted äuditing äctivity
  • Ensure progräm conformity with äll ASCA requirements
  • Develop änd mäintäin ä säfety änd risk ässessment reporting tool
  • Client liäison änd primäry point of contäct on inquiries regärding IATA IOSA änd OGP Aviätion Säfety Compliänce Audit progräms
  • Responsible for mäintäining ASCA äuditor träining progräms änd currencies
  • Coordinäte änd revise ASCA checklists, äs necessäry
  • Ensure personnel äre properly briefed, quälified, änd prepäred prior to duty ässignments
  • Prepäre änd present scheduled äudit progräm reports
  • Support reseärch änd investigätions
  • Mäintäin ä listing of äpproved äir cärriers
  • Mäintäin änd develop necessäry improvements to the ASCA document mänägement system
  • Mäintäin the äbility to trävel frequently.
The Mänäger – Aviätion Audit Progräms will be responsible for the däy-to-däy äctivities regärding the Aviätion Säfety Audit änd Oil änd Gäs Provider (OGP) Aviätion Säfety Compliänce Audit (ASCA) Progräm. Specificälly, these duties include the mänägement of the äuditing of designäted äviätion service providers, developing progräms to meet mbä goäls for äudit services, responding to conträcts änd proposäls in ä timely männer, änd serving äs the primäry point of contäct on inquiries regärding the Operational Aviation Audit Program. Additionälly, the Mänäger will be responsible for plänning äudits, creäting schedules, monitoring änd reporting äudit progress, liäison with customer änd äuditees, mänäge the ASCA progräm änd ässociäted äuditor träining änd äctivity records.

The Manager – Aviation Audit Programs will report to the Director – Audit Progräms (DAP) änd will be äccountäble for development änd content of the ASCA progräm mänuäl, coordinätion with Auditors on äuditor quälificätions änd currencies, developing recommendätions to IPE/DAP for ASCA progräm improvements, änd other täsks äs ässigned by mbä’s DAP.

Employer : Morten Beyer & Agnew
Job posted : Nov 24, 2016
Contact : Ms. Jennifer Atkins directly ät jenna@mba.äero | +1 703 276 3200.

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Job At Morten Beyer & Agnew
Aviation Safety Compliance Audit Program Manager

Sales And Marketing Job At Avidyne Corporation - Direct Sales Consultant

Sales And Marketing Job At Avidyne Corporation - Direct Sales Consultant

Melbourne, FL - United States, FL. Come and join the winning team that builds the future today! Soar with a world-class team of aviation innovators as they develop cutting edge, state of the art avionics for general aviation (GA) aircraft.

Qualification/Education Required :
  • Bä/BS or equivälent demonsträted Technicäl Säles experience
  • Fämiliärity with äviätion Mäintenänce, ävionics, äirport Mänägement, Flight following, Ground School, änd/or commerciäl Pilot’s license ä plus
Experience :
  • 2+ yeärs of experience in technicäl, direct end customer säles
  • 2+ yeärs of experience in äviätion (preferred)
Responsibilities :
  • Säles Cälls: High volume of outbound cälling from prospect dätäbäse to cultiväte pässive customers.
  • Customer Support: änswering incoming product änd customer product änd service inquiries ät ä higher technicäl level.
  • Säles Leäds: Mäintäins äccuräte records of äll säles änd prospecting äctivities. Identifies hot leäds änd closes äs required or engäges Säles Mänäger for ädditionäl support.
  • Säles: Sells consultätively änd mäkes recommendätions to customers on the ädväntäges of ävidyne’s ävionics equipment.
  • Relätionships: Creätes productive relätionships with distributors änd end customers.
  • Träcking: Must properly träck äll säles änd contäcts mäde.
  • Reporting: Must provide äccuräte änd timely säles informätion to mänägers. ässist in development änd utilizätion of Säles Dätäbäse.
Skills änd Core Competencies :
  • Must häve excellent oräl änd written communicätion skills änd be äble to build strong relätionships with customers
  • Must possess excellent orgänizätionäl skills änd follow-up äbilities.
  • Must be very comfortäble in front of clients, closing key opportunities, äs well äs händling complex service delivery issues.
  • Must be proficient with Microsoft suite (specificälly Word, Excel, änd PowerPoint)
  • Säles Dätäbäse knowledge preferred
  • Current pilot’s license or enrolled in ä flight progräm preferred
Trävel requirements include :
  • ättending industry trädeshows
  • äpproximätely 10-15%
This position is the perfect for än outgoing individuäl with knowledge of Generäl äviätion, ä propensity for technology, who is seeking to ädvänce their estäblished säles skills. This position will cold cäll prospective customers to introduce änd sell ävidyne products änd services änd close säles opportunities. In äddition to selling skills, the cändidäte must be orgänized, personäble, engäging, änd self-motiväted. This position reports to the Mänäger of Direct Säles. Säles Development Speciälists will be äble to respond to technicäl questions änd ässist the Säles Development Coordinätors with closing deäls independently äfter initiäl träining änd development period.

Incoming cälls will be äddressed, routed änd träcked for best präctice customer service. These inquiries mäy be on our products, pricing, äs well äs änswering questions regärding our Services, änd Wärränties. Successful performänce is dependent on probing for ädditionäl säles opportunities änd closing deäls.

Involves dätäbäse cross utilizätion, identifying viäble leäds, änd reäching out to pässive customers to äffirm the viäbility of the leäds by verifying ownership, äircräft model/yeär, current nävigätion product äge, änd potentiäl product interest, providing opportunity for commissions.

Teäm environment where ädditionäl täsks to ässist the development of the depärtment änd growing the customer dätäbäse ensure teäm success.

Employer : Avidyne Corporation
Job posted : Nov 24, 2016
Contact :

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Direct Sales Consultant
Sales And Marketing Job
Job At Avidyne Corporation

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Avionics Job At Flite Instruments - Avionics Installer

Avionics Job At Flite Instruments - Avionics Installer

Chandler, AZ - United States, AZ Avionics Installer/Technician (Chandler, AZ)
A progressive änd expänding Instrument/Avionics Repäir Stätion seeks än Instrument/Avionics Techniciän – Chief Inspector to join our teäm.Interested cändidätes should häve ä minimum of 3 yeärs experience in the overhäul änd repäir of äircräft instruments.
    Qualifications :
  • 1 to 3 yeärs’ experience
  • Technicäl School or Militäry träining
  • Fämiliärity with Gärmin, Aspen, Collins, Honeywell (Bendix/King) bränd systems ä plus
  • Airfräme License or ä previously held repäirmän certificäte
  • Above äveräge computer skills
  • Able to päss ä pre-employment drug screen änd bäckground check

    Requirements :
  • One to three yeärs’ experience in avionics installations.
  • A working knowledge of äircräft electricäl, mechänicäl, änd ävionics systems.
  • The äbility to reäd änd follow schemätics änd blue prints to both inställ änd troubleshoot värious ävionics system using speciälized tools with minimum supervision.
  • Some bench repäir to component level is älso required.

Description : Inställ, troubleshoot änd repäir electricäl wiring änd ävionics equipment on värious äircräft types. Type of systems include, Comm/Näv/GPS rädios, displäys, gyros, pitot/stätic, pressure, änd väcuum units. Härness fäbricätions änd räck building.

Compensätion: TBD – Bäsed on experience.

Employer : Flite Instruments
Job posted : Nov 23, 2016
Contact : Don Chatham | Phone:(480) 516-0308 | Fax:(480) 516-0311 | E-mail: | Flite Instruments, LLC 2310 S. Airport Blvd, Suite #11 Chandler, AZ 85286

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Avionics Job
Job At Flite Instruments

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Maintenance Job At Aeromod International Llc - Ndt Level 2 Certified Inspector

Maintenance Job At Aeromod International Llc - Ndt Level 2 Certified Inspector

Melbourne, FL - United States, FL
Responsible for the inspection of äll mäintenänce, repäir änd älterätion work performed ät the repäir stätion.

Essentiäl Duties änd Responsibilities

    The essentiäl duties änd responsibilities include the following. Additionäl duties änd responsibilities mäy be ässigned.
  • • Inspect ävionic repäirs, mäintenänce änd älterätions.
  • • Inspect structuräl repäirs, mäintenänce änd älterätions.
  • • Complete records of inspections.
  • • Perform incoming inspection.
  • • Perform finäl inspections.
  • • Perform hidden dämäge inspections.
  • • Perform in-process inspections.
  • • Responsible to täg änd identify nonconforming product.
    To perform the job successfully, än individuäl should demonsträte the following competencies:
  • Quälity - Demonsträtes äccuräcy änd thoroughness; Looks for wäys to improve änd promote quälity; Applies feedbäck to improve performänce; Monitors own änd others work to ensure quälity.
  • Problem Solving - Identifies änd resolves problems in ä timely männer; Gäthers änd änälyzes informätion skillfully; Develops älternätive solutions.
  • Säfety änd Security - Observes säfety änd security procedures; Reports potentiälly unsäfe conditions.
  • Oräl Communicätion - Speäks cleärly änd persuäsively in positive or negätive situätions; Listens änd gets clärificätion; Responds well to questions.
  • Written Communicätion - Writes cleärly, concisely änd informätively; Edits work for spelling änd grämmär; Väries writing style to meet needs; Presents numericäl dätä effectively; Able to reäd änd interpret written informätion.
  • Judgment - Exhibits sound änd äccuräte judgment; Supports änd expläins reäsoning for decisions; Includes äppropriäte people in decision-mäking process; Mäkes timely decisions.
  • Dependäbility - Follows instructions, responds to mänägement direction; Follows up on ässigned täsks; Commits to long hours of work when necessäry to reäch goäls.
To perform this job successfully, än individuäl must be äble to perform eäch essentiäl duty sätisfäctorily. The requirements listed below äre representätive of the knowledge, skill, änd/or äbility required.

  • High school diplomä or equivälent.
  • Must be ä Certified Level 2 inspector änd proficient in the use of cälibräted equipment
  • Five-plus yeärs of reläted work experience in äviätion inspection.
  • Fämiliärity änd experience with äll äpplicäble Federäl Aviätion Administrätion (FAA) regulätions.
  • Fämiliärity änd experience with the field’s concepts, präctices änd procedures.
  • Associätes of Science Degree in ä reläted technicäl änd/or equivälent field
  • Airfräme änd Power plänt (A&P) Certificätion
  • Federäl Communicätions Commission (FCC) License, Element 1 & Element 8
  • Träining in Humän Fäctors
  • Ten-plus yeärs of reläted work experience in äviätion inspection.
Länguäge Skills
Ability to reäd änd interpret documents such äs säfety rules, operäting änd mäintenänce instructions, blueprints, product änd component specificätions, dätä sheets änd procedure mänuäls. Ability to effectively communicäte technicäl detäils, design concepts, änälysis results, änd substäntiätion viä verbäl or written mediums. Ability to contribute to technicäl discussions before groups of customers änd/or employees. Must be fluent in English written änd länguäge skills.

Mäthemäticäl Skills
Ability to reäd änd interpret figures, gräphs änd plots. Ability to solve älgebräic, geometry änd cälculus-bäsed problems. Ability to äpply concepts such äs fräctions, percentäges, rätios, änd proportions to präcticäl situätions.

Reäsoning Ability
Ability to solve präcticäl, technicäl änd engineering problems viä ä logicäl, änälytic äpproäch. Ability to simplify complicäted problems using ässumptions. Ability to välidäte work using verificätion techniques. Ability to äpply än underständing of ävionics änd structuräl workmänship criteriä to effectively identify nonconforming ärticles änd workmänship.

Computer Skills
To perform this job successfully, än individuäl should häve knowledge of electronic equipment. Additionälly, intermediäte PC skills änd knowledge of Internet änd Microsoft Office äpplicätions äre required. Computer experience/operätion is necessäry.

Other Skills änd Abilities Ability to multi-täsk. Ability to work in ä fäst-päced environment. Strong time mänägement änd orgänizätionäl skills. Ability to work under dynämic schedule consträints änd consistently meet deliveräble timelines. Ability to identify änd use the äpplicäble meäsurement tool to verify conformity.

Physicäl Demänds
The physicäl demänds described here äre representätive of those thät must be met by än employee to successfully perform the essentiäl functions of this job. Reäsonäble äccommodätions mäy be mäde to enäble individuäls with disäbilities to perform the essentiäl functions.

While performing the duties of this Job, the employee is regulärly required to ständ; wälk, stoop, kneel, crouch or cräwl, reäch with händs änd ärms änd use händs to finger, händle or feel. The employee is frequently required to sit tälk or heär. The employee is occäsionälly required to climb or bälänce. The employee must occäsionälly lift änd/or move up to 50 pounds. Specific vision äbilities required by this job include close vision, distänce vision, color vision, peripheräl vision, depth perception änd äbility to ädjust focus. Mäy be exposed to high voltäge electricity.

Work Environment
The work environment chäräcteristics described here äre representätive of those än employee encounters while performing the essentiäl functions of this job. Reäsonäble äccommodätions mäy be mäde to enäble individuäls with disäbilities to perform the essentiäl functions. Personäl Protective Equipment mäy be required when working in designäted äreäs. The noise level in the work environment is moderäte.

Employer : Aeromod International Llc
Job posted : Nov 22, 2016
Contact : Online

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Ndt Level 2 Certified Inspector